Post by Jeff Probst on Aug 13, 2008 17:14:13 GMT -4
Welcome back to Tribal Council. Debb is immune, but one of the rest of you will be joining Elisabeth and Alicia on the Jury.
Debb, in the last two Tribal Councils Kucha members have been voted out. Is all tribe loyalty gone?
Jeff, are you worried you could be the next to go?
Jerri, you've been the last Ogakor member since the final nine. Are you surprised you've managed to survive to this point?
Kimmi, who is more dangerous at this point: a challenge threat or a social threat?
Michael, how do you think the Jury feels about you?
Nick, what are you basing your vote on?
Rodger, why didn't you do the challenge?
You have 24 hours to vote. Good luck.
Post by Jerri Manthey on Aug 13, 2008 19:33:27 GMT -4
Jerri, you've been the last Ogakor member since the final nine. Are you surprised you've managed to survive to this point?
Yes because I have received voted every single TC furing the merge here.
Post by Debb Eaton on Aug 13, 2008 19:39:41 GMT -4
Debb, in the last two Tribal Councils Kucha members have been voted out. Is all tribe loyalty gone?
I hate to think that ALL tribal loyalty is gone, but Kucha always knew that eventually we'd have to turn on one another, and when it gets down to this small group, you start hearing things from this person or that person about what is going on and it starts to make you nervous and things can always change. It's very rare that I actually WANT to cast a vote against someone, but it's just the way the game is played.
Post by Michael Skupin on Aug 13, 2008 19:58:27 GMT -4
Michael, how do you think the Jury feels about you? Well I HOPE they think of me as a good player, but after Elisabeth trying to get me out, I think that's all out the window.
Post by Rodger Bingham on Aug 13, 2008 19:59:41 GMT -4
Rodger, why didn't you do the challenge? I wasn't able to do the challenge because i was at work and then i had a basketball game... when i came online... the challenge was over
Post by Nick Brown on Aug 13, 2008 21:27:25 GMT -4
Once again, I'm basing my vote on what will help me get the furthest in the game. I didn't come out and play this game in order to finish in seventh, so I'm going to try my damnedest to get somewhere in this game.
Post by Kimmi Kappenberg on Aug 14, 2008 11:18:44 GMT -4
Kimmi, who is more dangerous at this point: a challenge threat or a social threat?
Well, for me, it's not only for this point of the game, but always. More dangerous is a person, who i s a social threat, at least to me. A person, who is able to get what s/he wants, by talking, is a lot bigger threat, than person who wins challenges. That's my opinion.
Post by Jeff Varner on Aug 14, 2008 14:43:30 GMT -4
Jeff, are you worried you could be the next to go?
jeff i am worried but do we really know whats going to happen next in this game?
Post by Jeff Probst on Aug 14, 2008 17:14:51 GMT -4
Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will have 24 hours to say goodbye to their tribe in this thread. I'll read the votes... [Self-Vote] One Vote Jerri... One Vote Jeff, One Vote Jerri... Two Votes Jeff, One Vote Jerri... Three Votes Jeff, One Vote Jerri... Three Votes Jeff, One Vote Michael, One Vote Jerri... Three Votes Jeff, Two Votes Michael, One Vote Jerri... Last Vote... We have a tie. According to the rules, in the case of a tie the castaway with the most previous votes must leave the game. Jeff has 0 previous votes. Michael has 3. Michael, your last chance is Alicia's immunity. Did she give it to you? No she did not. Michael, the tribe has spoken.
Post by Jerri Manthey on Aug 14, 2008 17:41:18 GMT -4
Ah I was so busy these last 2 days, sorry for the self vote. Bye Micheal.
Post by Elisabeth Filarski on Aug 14, 2008 17:46:03 GMT -4
Post by Rodger Bingham on Aug 14, 2008 18:42:21 GMT -4
bye Mike
Post by Kimmi Kappenberg on Aug 14, 2008 19:47:37 GMT -4
Bye, Mike.
Post by Nick Brown on Aug 14, 2008 19:53:47 GMT -4
sorry it had to end like this mike
Post by Michael Skupin on Aug 14, 2008 23:20:00 GMT -4
Excuse me Elisabeth? I don't know what the fuck your problem is but I haven't said a word to you since day fucking one and you have the audacity to try to get my voted out and this fake shit? What the bumboclaat?!